태풍이 온다고 하는데 날씨가 좋았습니다. 이것을 태풍 전의 고요함 또는 폭풍전야 라고 표현합니다. 그럼 영어로는 어떻게 표현할까요?
영어로는calm before the storm 이라고 합니다. 삶에 비유적으로도 많이 사용합니다.

폭풍전야 뜻
한자로는 暴風前夜 입니다.
폭풍이 치기 전날 밤이라는 뜻으로 태풍이 몰아치지 직전에 일시적으로 고기압 상태가 형성되어 평온한 날씨가 되는 현상을말합니다.
태풍이 주변의 저기압을 흡수하기 떄문에 폭풍 직전이나 직후에느 ㄴ비교적 말은 날씨가 나타납니다.
또는 큰 사건이 터지기 전에 분위기가 고요해지는 것을 말하는 관용어로 사용됩니다.
태풍 전의 고요함 또는 폭풍전야를 영어로 표현하면?
Calm before the storm입니다.
Calm : 조용함, 차분함, 평온함
before : 전에
the: (관사)
strom :폭풍
"Calm before the storm"이라는 문구가 사용된 몇 가지 예문입니다
1. The atmosphere in the office was oddly tranquil this morning, almost like the calm before the storm of the upcoming company-wide reorganization.
2. As the sky darkened and the wind grew still, the villagers couldn't shake the feeling that this was the calm before the storm, and they hurriedly secured their homes in anticipation of the impending hurricane.
3. The serene beauty of the lake's surface mirrored the calm before the storm, as ominous clouds gathered on the horizon, signaling the approach of a powerful thunderstorm.
4. In the world of finance, the market's stability often serves as the calm before the storm, with sudden fluctuations and crashes following periods of apparent tranquility.
5. As the final minutes of peace ticked away, soldiers stationed at the border knew that the silence they were experiencing was merely the calm before the storm of a potential conflict.
6. The peaceful family dinner was the calm before the storm, as heated debates and disagreements erupted during the subsequent discussion of sensitive topics.
7. On the eve of a critical championship match, the locker room buzzed with an unusual sense of quiet determination—a classic example of the calm before the storm on the sports field.
8. The media reported a lull in political tensions, but many analysts saw it as the calm before the storm, predicting that heated debates and confrontations would soon resurface.
9. The eerie calm before the storm made the whole town uneasy, as they awaited the arrival of the massive winter blizzard that had been forecasted.
10. Her soothing voice seemed to create a temporary calm before the storm of emotions that would inevitably follow the heart-wrenching news.
"Before the big soccer match, the stadium was quiet and still, like the calm before the storm. Once the game started, the crowd erupted with excitement."
"큰 축구 경기가 시작되기 전, 경기장은 폭풍 전야의 고요함처럼 조용했습니다. 경기가 시작되자 관중들은 흥분에 휩싸였습니다.
" The past few weeks have been like the calm before the storm."
"지난 몇주는 마치 폭풍 전의 고요함과 같았다."
"Just before an attack everything would go quiet but we knew it was just the calm before the storm."
"공격이 있기 직전에는 모든 것이 고요해졌지만 우리는 그것이 폭풍 전의 고요라는 것을 알고 있었다."