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한국에서 외국인을 만났을 때 영어 질문, 영어 대화

by fullbase 2023. 9. 3.

한국을 방문하는 외국인 친구를 만났을 때 어떤 주제로 대화를 하면 좋을까요? 외국인 친구와 보다 의미 있는 대화를 나누기 위해 물어볼 수 있는 영어 질문을 소개합니다.


외국인 친구와 영어로 대화하기: 영어 질문하기 

한국에서 외국인을 만났을 때 주제별로 할 수 있는 영어 질문을 소개합니다.

서로 알아가기:

  • Where are you from? 당신은 어디서 왔나요?
  • What brings you to Korea? 한국에 오게 된 계기는 무엇인가요?
  • Why are you traveling to South Korea? 당신은 한국으로 여행 온 이유가 무엇입니까.
  • How long are you planning to stay in Korea? 당신는 한국에 얼마 동안 체류할 예정입니까?


  • Have you traveled to other countries before? 이전에 다른 나라를 여행한 적이 있나요?
  • What are your first impressions of Korea? 한국에 대한 첫인상은 어떤가요?
  • Is there something specific about Korean culture that interests you? 한국 문화에 대해 특별히 관심을 갖는 것이 있나요?
  • How long have you been interested in Korea?  한국은 언제 부터 관심이 있었나요? 

한국 여행 :

  • Are there any Korean foods you're curious to taste during your visit? 방문 중 맛보고 싶은 한국 음식이 있나요?
  • Do you have any other destinations in mind for future travels? 향후 여행을 위해 염두에 두고 있는 다른 목적지가 있나요?
  • Are there any specific activities or places you want to explore in Korea? 한국에서 탐험하고 싶은 구체적인 활동이나 장소가 있나요?
  • Have you tried any Korean foods yet? 한국 음식을 먹어본 적 있나요?
  • What's your favorite? 당신이 가장 좋아하는 것은 무엇입니까?
  • Have you visited any other cities or regions in Korea? 한국의 다른 도시나 지역을 방문한 적이 있나요


Have you learned any Korean phrases or words during your trip?

How do you find the experience of communicating in a foreign language?

Are there any language barriers you've encountered?


Language and Communication: 

Have you learned any Korean phrases or words during your trip?

How do you find the experience of communicating in a foreign language?

Are there any language barriers you've encountered?


Personal Interests:


What do you enjoy doing in your free time back home?

Are there any hobbies or activities you'd like to explore in Korea?


Travel Memories: 


What has been your most memorable experience in Korea so far?

Do you have any funny or interesting travel anecdotes to share?

Have you met any interesting people during your trip?


Comparing Cultures: 

How does daily life in Korea compare to your home country?

Are there any cultural norms or customs in Korea that are different from what you're used to?


Sightseeing and Exploration:


Which tourist attractions have you enjoyed the most in Korea?

Are there any hidden gems or local spots you've discovered?


Food and Cuisine:


Have you tried any dishes that you can't find back home?

Are there any Korean foods you're curious to taste during your visit?


Future Plans:


Do you have any other destinations in mind for future travels?

Are there any specific activities or places you still want to explore in Korea?


Making Connections:


Have you had the chance to meet and interact with locals during your stay?

What's the most interesting conversation you've had with a local person?


Cultural Exchange:


Is there anything from your culture that you'd like to share with Koreans?

Have you noticed any similarities between Korean culture and your own?


Technology and Trends:

How does technology usage in Korea differ from your home country?

Are there any popular trends in Korea that you find intriguing?


Local Insights: 

What recommendations do you have for someone who's visiting your home country?

Have you learned anything unexpected about Korea during your stay?


Adventures and Challenges:

Have you tried any adventurous activities or outdoor experiences in Korea?

Have you faced any challenges during your trip that you'd like to share?

Transportation and Commute: 38. What are your thoughts on public transportation in Korea?

Have you tried using different modes of transportation here?


Cultural Immersion: 

Have you attended any cultural events or festivals during your visit?

How do you feel about immersing yourself in a foreign culture?



What will be your most cherished memory of your time in Korea?

What have you learned or gained from this travel experience?


Local Tips:

What advice would you give to someone who's planning to visit Korea?

Are there any cultural etiquette tips you'd like to share?


Future Travels:

Is there a specific destination you'd love to explore in the future?

Would you consider returning to Korea for another visit?


Global Connections:

How do you think traveling enhances your understanding of the world?

What role do you believe cross-cultural friendships play in today's society?


Memories and Souvenirs: 

Are there any souvenirs or keepsakes you plan to take back home from your trip to Korea?


Feel free to adapt these questions to suit your conversation style and the flow of your interactions.

Enjoy your time with your foreign friend and the rich exchange of cultural experiences!


외국인과 대화 할 때는 상대의 대화 스타일과 서로 상호 작용 흐름에 맞게  질문을 자유롭게 조절하셔서 이야기해 보세요. 외국인 친구와 함께 풍성한 문화교류를 즐겨보세요!